The New Normal

Since Covid-19 sprung, every country has initiated its protocols in securing the safety and stabilization of its citizens. Though not everything is kept in control by the governments, it was to be announced that certain procedures must be widely used from now on. As the World Health Organization (WHO) states a “New Normal” has to ensue for combatting the worsening issues of a pandemic.
A New Protocol
Supported by hundreds and millions of nations, the New Normal to be practiced is in correspondence to the mortality rates induced by the widespread virus. This is doubled with the economic status which is on the verge of spiraling down due to the closing of establishments and other small businesses.
The New Normal emphasizes the tight obedience of the country’s citizens for more safety and security against the incurable virus. As government efforts are focused on finding for cure people must be sure to protect themselves first with: a) social distancing, b) wearing of face masks and face shields, and, c) limited outdoor activities.
Following all this self-care method is expected to somehow decrease the number of infected cases in populated areas of the community. As for abiding citizens and businessmen, we could only wish for the dissipation of the pandemic so as we can return to our normal activities and finally to our businesses as well.
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